100% Schmerzfrei und KULT: Nitro Circus The Movie 3D 2012 - Durchgeknallt,...

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Video von: Nitro Circus | vom: 07.01.2012
Homepage: www.facebook.com/nitrocircus

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Details: 100% Schmerzfrei und KULT: Nitro Circus The M...

KULT! - Nitro Circus The Movie 3D 2012 - Durchgeknallt, abgefahren und absolut schmerzbefreit!

Web: http://nitrocircus.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/NitroCircus
Twitter: www.twitter.com/NitroCircus

As Promised, the first Nitro Circus the Movie 3D Trailer! Travis Pastrana and the whole Nitro Circus crew are back together in a truly LEPICDARY (epic n' legendary) action packed 3D film. Expect the impossible, ridiculous, insane, hysterical, and purely awesome! Coming to you in 3D, it will fee like you are riding shotgun with the crew.

We get a boatload of questions every day asking when the movie will be released. In truth, we don't have a definitive release date yet but we're getting closer. We hope it will be released sometime in the coming summer but the exact date still needs to be decided by the distributor. We are happy to say that 100% of the movie has been filmed and we're deep in to post production, editing, etc. We can't wait to show everybody the finished product because we have captured the biggest and best stunts we have ever attempted. Stay tuned-in to our Facebook, Twitter, and website for updates. Thanks for your patience; we think its going to be worth the wait!


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