Unglaublich!! Rollstuhlfahrer Ricky James macht einen Backflip mit Motocross...

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Video von: LifeRolls | vom: 26.07.2010
Homepage: www.liferollson.org

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Details: Unglaublich!! Rollstuhlfahrer Ricky James mac...

Unglaublich - Rollstuhlfahrer Ricky James macht einen Backflip mit Motocross Motorrad

Life Rolls On Foundations second Public Service Announcement (PSA). World debut during the 2008 Ford Ironman World Championship coverage on NBC Sports on December 12, 2008.

Paraplegic and beneficiary of Life Rolls On programs, Ricky James is featured attempting a stunt that is a first-ever for a paraplegic on a motocross bike.

Life Rolls On...Disabled...Able.

Life Rolls On Foundation improves the lives of young people affected by spinal cord injury (SCI) through quality of life programs and SCI awareness campaigns.

Learn more about the Life Rolls On Foundation by visiting www.liferollson.org

production company: curtis birch, inc. venice
director: richard yelland
director of photography: eric foster
director of photography 2nd unit: james matlosz
producer: patrick brewer
1st AD: dave darmour
visual effects supervisor: benjamin looram
visual effects artist: maciek sokalski
telecine artist: matt turner, company 3
editorial: cutters, inc. santa monica
editorial producers: Nicole Visram, Kasey McGarrigle
editor: joel marcus
assistant editor: aki mizutani
post audio: lime studios, santa monica
post audio producer: bruce horowitz
sound design and mix: eric schulten
music: sigur ros
special thanks to nate adams, jimmy button, chris lowery, abe froman productions, ricky james and family, life rolls on foundation, and the entire crew.

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