Knox Hand Armour - wie ist ein Motorradhandschuh aufgebaut - interessant.

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Video von: Knox | vom: 25.11.2009

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Details: Knox Hand Armour - wie ist ein Motorradhandsc...

since producing the first back-protector in 1982, Knox has been a leading innovator of impact protection and has continually looked at other areas of the body where they felt they could make a real difference and offer much needed development. Three years ago Knox turned their attention to hand protection, patenting the SPS (scaphoid protection system), which for the first time gave riders effective protection against common scaphoid injuries to the bone connecting the thumb to the wrist. Realising that glove development in the market was limited and could be improved, Knox spent two years developing new systems for the hand, looking not only at protection but also at rider comfort and fit, which are synonymous with the Knox brand.

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