Jules Cluzel - FIXI Crescent Suzuki one Lap Aragaon (Spanien)

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Video von: crescentmoto | vom: 14.04.2013
Homepage: http://www.fixi-crescent-suzuki.com/

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Details: Jules Cluzel - FIXI Crescent Suzuki one Lap ...

Jules Cluzel - FIXI Crescent Suzuki one Lap Aragaon (Spanien).

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FIXI Crescent Suzuki's Jules Cluzel completes a lap on his Yoshimura-powered GSX-R of the Motorland Aragon circuit in Spain, with a camera at track-level to give you a close-up feel of a high-speed lap of the track.

This high-speed footage was recorded at the team's recent Aragon test and gives you a feel of what Cluzel and the rest of the eni FIM Superbike World Championship field experience around the 5,344m Spanish track.

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Rennstrecken Info

Rennstrecke Aragon Motorland, Alcaniz

Aragon, Alcaniz

Aragon Motorland, Alcaniz
Das Motorland Aragon ist eine topmoderne Rennanlage in der unmittelbaren Nähe der spanischen Stadt Alcaniz