Spiegel ab, Scheibe eingeschlagen, Haue / Roadrage aber warum?

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2,41 von 5 (12 Stimmen), Laufzeit: 0:02:26

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Video von: Bikers Y Fans | vom: 11.11.2023

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Details: Spiegel ab, Scheibe eingeschlagen, Haue / Roa...

"I'm usually very patient for driver errors but when someone deliberately uses their car to bully me on my motorcycle or put my life at risk it gets my blood boiling, absolutely no regrets here!
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PD. I was not in middle of lanes nor going slow, He initially invaded my lane as I was passing him but I thought very little of it as I assumed he did not see me, so as I slowed down due to traffic ahead and this moron runs up on me fast to the point of almost clipping my back tire, I gestured from him to back off but he kept approaching me so i merged right after noticing him with his get out of my way attitude or get run over! his mismatched paint and freshly replaced front bumper tells much about his driving habits.

in Mexico most people won't even stop after running you over and very seldom do they get caught so you have to take matters in your own hands unfortunately!"

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