Nix für schwache Nerven! Horror Crash, Frontalcrash in Auto :-(

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Video von: Jason Alexander | vom: 23.05.2022

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Details: Nix für schwache Nerven! Horror Crash, Fronta...

Nix für schwache Nerven! Horror Crash, Frontal crash in Auto :-( Details s.u.

An update on my current situation: I am still recovering from the injuries caused by this. I had a severe concussion, 4 bulging discs, a few lacerations on my legs that needed stiches. Bruises were covering most of my body for quite a bit of time.

My bike was totaled as well as the car that hit me. Still not sure if the driver received any punishment.

On top the severity of the crash, it was also possibly the worst timing I could have had. I was scheduled to ship out to USMC Bootcamp close to 3 days after this crash and I was not able to ship. However, it is still on the table.

I received so much support from people all over the world. The motorcycle community is so awesome! Thanks to everyone who checked in and I hope to be back on 2 wheels soon. I miss it everyday! I hope my fellow bikers ride safe and watch out for these crazy distracted drivers!


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