Roadrage, lebensgefährlich: Kleintransporter vs. Motorradfahrer

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Details: Roadrage, lebensgefährlich: Kleintransporter ...

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"During my daily commute on the A10 (Amsterdam), this driver caught me by surprise when he came into the lane in which I was driving. I should have used my horn to alert the driver of my presence, but in the heat of the moment his mirror was only centimeters away and I tapped it. The mirror folded but the action caused no damage. Still shocked about this sudden danger, I continued my way.

A few kilometers further, the driver of the white van again shows he has no regard of safety of other road users by bringing his vehicle to a near stand still on the highway. With me trying to avoid an accident, he even cuts me off and hits me as I try to go around. Luckily, he hit the bike just right. Had he hit me 10cm more to the front or back, I likely would have gone down or severely injured my leg. Totally baffled I fled the scene.

As we are 6 kilometers further, the driver had several minutes to calm down and come to his senses. Instead, he desides to turn off his lights, chase me down and tries to drive me off the road a second time. Not believing in a positive outcome of this scenario, I hit the throttle and never saw him again.

Although my reaction to him coming into my lane isn't pretty, the drivers reaction is totally disproportionate and very dangerous. Amsterdam police has taken a look at the footage and decided to prosecute the driver with attempted manslaughter. Unfortunatly, the face of the driver isn't clearly on camera so there is no proof on who was driving the van. As the owner of the white van is invoking his right to remain silent, the case was dismissed without any conviction or compensation on the damage on my bike."


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