The Ride Of The Century 2010 in St. Louis - Massen-Stunt-Bewegung

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Video von: Stuntie | vom: 28.10.2010

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Details: The Ride Of The Century 2010 in St. Louis - M...

The ROC weekend is one of the best weekends of the year. When so many riders who all have the same passion for bikes and wheelies get together there is nothing better then that. St louis roads are ours for the weekend and here is proof!! The footage in this clip is from both the Friday Ghetto ride and the main ride on Saturday... This year was the biggest ROC to date and we are hoping for even more people next year!! There were so many killer riders at ROC and alot are in this clip. I couldnt fit everyone in it.... SORRY!!!....But Make sure you order The ROC 4 dvd this jan 1st to see all this footage and so much much more!!

There will be a dvd release party New Years Eve in St Louis... check out and for more info

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