Macau Moto GP 2010 - Eine Hommage an alle Fahrer - sehr emotionales Video -...

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Video von: Macauracing | vom: 05.12.2010

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Details: Macau Moto GP 2010 - Eine Hommage an alle Fah...

Macau Moto GP 2010 - Eine Homage an alle Fahrer - sehr emotionales Video - ankucken!

This video is an homage to the motorcycle riders who competed in the Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix 2010.

It was directed and edited by Sergio Perez and photography was by Sergio Perez and António Espadinha Soares.

Hopefully all the riders, their teams and their fans enjoy this little tribute.

The actual race footage is edited (by me) from the Standard Definition broadcast of the race covered by the local TV station. Commentary is by Chris Carter.

Please also check out the Formula 3 video.

The video was shot mostly with a Canon 7D, 1D Mark IV and an XF300.

Songs used are "The Answer" by Uncle and "The Tempest" by Pendulum.

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