2 Jahre Knast für selbst gefilmte Verkehrsgefährdung! Alles auf SD-Karte der...

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Video von: Sussex Police | vom: 28.01.2022
Homepage: https://www.facebook.com/sussexpoliceforce/

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Details: 2 Jahre Knast für selbst gefilmte Verkehrsgef...

2 Jahre Knast für selbst gefilmte Verkehrsgefährdung! Alles auf SD-Karte der Cam gespeichert

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A motorcyclist who filmed himself doing speeds of up to 155mph on roads in Sussex and Hampshire has been jailed.

Robert Hammond, 60, of Upways Close, Selsey, appeared at Chichester Crown Court for sentencing on Friday (22 January) after pleading guilty to four counts of dangerous driving on 3 November at an earlier hearing.

He was sentenced to six months to run consecutively for each offence and told that he will spend at least a year in prison.

The court heard that two police officers saw Hammond riding his Honda Fireblade motorbike on 29 April this year on the A27 at Chichester. He did a wheelie, undertook several vehicles and was travelling at about 80mph in a 50mph zone.

They stopped him and seized a memory card from a camera which was mounted to his helmet. When the card was viewed, it showed more than 150 clips of him on his motorbike. Many of these clips recorded him riding in a manner that showed a blatant disregard for the safety of himself or other road users.

These clips included him conducting a 'wheelie' in a housing estate just before accelerating to a recorded speed in excess of 110mph whilst still in a 30mph speed limit. He was shown entering a 30mph limit at 95mph, overtaking traffic on numerous occasions against the safety of solid white line systems, travelling in excess of 120mph on country lanes, overtaking in excess of 140mph and reaching a recorded speed of 153mph on a dual carriageway.

He was arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving and his motorbike was seized along with the camera on his helmet.

Sergeant Alan Spicer said: "The footage on his headcam showed evidence of some outrageously bad motorcycling. It is a miracle that other road users had not been seriously injured or killed, due to the way he was driving his motorbike and the speeds he was reaching.

"This sentence sends out a message to drivers that we will prosecute you if you are caught driving in a dangerous manner."

Hammond was also disqualified from driving for two years after he leaves prison and will be required to take an extended re-test before he can take to the roads again.

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