BikeCatwalk - Fuel Girls die Jungs am Schnüffelbalken sind ausser Rand und Band

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Video von: Bike-Fun | vom: 07.11.2009

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Details: BikeCatwalk - Fuel Girls die Jungs am Schnüff...

The Bike Catwalk in the Fuel Girls Garage touring show:
The Fuel Girls are a kick-ass, ultra-sexy, fire-breathing rock and roll, dance and stunt show! We perform all over the world, with a passion for FMX shows, rock festivals, motorshows, rallies and WILD parties!! We have recently featured on Discovery Channel's 'Time Warp' with our fire breathing and we have TV shows in both the UK and US,
Our crazy, no-holds barred attitude and our awesome mad max rides, means you get a bit more than you bargained for when you book our show! You have been warned!! If you would like to book our show, please go to:

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