"Bitte bleibt friedlich!" Bison Herde im Yellowstone National Park

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Video von: Jim Gillespie | vom: 22.06.2021
Homepage: https://www.youtube.com/user/PapaRugby/videos

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Details: "Bitte bleibt friedlich!" Bison Herde im Yell...

"Bitte bleibt friedlich!" Bison Herde im Yellowstone National Park. Herzflattern - nur nicht bewegen ;-)

"My wife and I had just entered Yellowstone National Park in the northeast entrance and came rolling up to a blind corner heading into the Lamar Valley. We stopped at first sight of them not to get pinned in by the cliff.

Her first words were not caught on camera. But what she did catch was good with some tense moments and her prayers. The prayers kept us safe and were better than yelling "Like a good neighbor State Farm is there...in your office!"

We have had Buffalo encounters before in Custer State Park and Yellowstone in a Jeep and on motorcycle but not quite this tense. When the ones jockeying for position were close to us the largest one threaded the needle between our tour-pak and hte front of our friends bike behind us with only an inch to spare.

Always cool to watch and experience. I made sure my bike was off, but noticed part of the distraction to them were the headlights. After they were shut off they seemed to proceed going on their merry way!"

YT: https://www.youtube.com/user/PapaRugby/videos

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