1979 Honda CBX by Bare Bone Rides - sechs Zylinder sind Sexzylinder

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Video von: Barebonerides | vom: 26.10.2024
Homepage: www.facebook.com/barebonerides

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Details: 1979 Honda CBX by Bare Bone Rides - sechs Zy...

1979 Honda CBX 6 Zylinder by Bare Bone Rides.

As mentioned in the ebay listingfor this bike, we had purchased it as a personal/shop bike with no intentions of selling her; however, tough times dictate tough measures ... so, she needs to go to cover some costs/bills ... sucks! Anyway, she is a beautiful example of an original 1979 Honda CBX ... Check out more photos, some history and the trophy this bike took at a recent show at www.barebonerides.com or on our facebook page at www.facebook.com/barebonerides. Thanks for looking folks - we definitely appreciate your time ... and your feedback (see the other videos on our channel of a walk-around and a quick run through 1st, 2nd and 3rd gears)! ... and yes, she does have the signature/normal clutch basket rattle that all '79 CBX's are notorious for -- do a google search on CBX Clutch Basket Noise -- you will be able to read all about this specific noise. As of March 01, 2013, she will be placed on ebay under a 10 day auction ... so, if you dig her, you can have her (for the right bid that is ...)! Sorry about that plane taking off in the background ... there is a small airport right across the street from us.

Web: www.barebonerides.com
FB: www.facebook.com/barebonerides

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