Unfallverhütung: Bosch Motorrad ABS Technologie - Demo

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Video von: Bosch Automotive | vom: 31.08.2011
Homepage: www.bosch-automotivetechnology.com

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Details: Unfallverhütung: Bosch Motorrad ABS Technolog...

ABS detects the wheel locking caused by sudden braking and assists in bringing the bike to a controlled and stable halt. The brake lever and pedal vibrate when the ABS system activates.
With ABS, when the wheel-speed sensors fitted to the front and rear wheel detect locking, the system reduces the braking pressure applied by the rider and controls the wheel speed as well as the vehicle deceleration. This preserves the gyrostatic effect of the wheel and keeps the bike stable, even on varying surfaces.

Web: www.bosch-automotivetechnology.com
YT: www.youtube.com/user/BoschAutomotive

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